Boost Your Peppermint with Galway Krisham

Boost Your Peppermint with Galway Krisham

February 14, 2024 11:06 Created by Rajesh Kumar Yadav, Last modified on February 14, 2024 11:59

Dear Farmers, in the previous edition of Newsletter, you learned how to increase the production of cumin through Galway Krisham Products. Now, in this issue, let's explore how you can enhance the yield of Peppermint, also known as 'pudina,' using Galway Krisham.

It is a fantastic and fragrant herb with diverse and healthy uses. It is extensively cultivated in the vast plains of Uttar Pradesh, contributing to 80% of the total production, making it the largest mint-producing state. Madhya Pradesh and Bihar collectively account for 15%, while Punjab and Haryana contribute the remaining 5%. It is not only used in beverages like jaljeera, chutney and various dishes but also finds its way into products like oil, toothpaste and mouthwash. Due to its versatile applications, there is a good demand for mint in the market, ensuring farmers get good prices for their produce. This makes mint farming a profitable option for farmers.

In several parts of the country, including Uttar Pradesh, mint is sown from February to mid-April. The ideal time for cultivation is from January 15 to February 15. The best results for mint plantation are achieved when sown from February to April. To ensure a successful plantation, prepare seedlings in the nursery and transplant them into the field from March to the first week of April. It's advisable to choose the Kosi (Japanese mint) variety for mint farming through Galway Krishi Products.

Now, let's understand how to cultivate mint using Galway Krisham:

How to cultivate?

First, plant mint in a small nursery in the field. Water it regularly. When the roots grow a bit larger, transplant them into the prepared field. Using this method for mint cultivation results in more production. Farmers should choose good varieties of mint for higher yield. This brings more profit in less time. Peppermint roots are planted in the nursery in August. The nursery should be situated at an elevated place to prevent waterlogging. If there is excessive rainfall, water should be drained out.

Varieties of Mint

Prominent varieties among the improved ones include MAS-1, Kosi, Kushal, Saksham, Gaumati (H.Y. 77), Shivalik, Himalaya, L-11813, Sankar 77, E.C. 41911, and more, which are commonly cultivated.

Let's explore how to enhance the yield with high quality using Galway Krisham.

1.Nursery Preparation: For nursery preparation, use 100 kg of composted cow dung and 10 kg of G-Sea Power. Mint seeds are sown in the nursery in August.

2.Field Preparation: For field preparation, create a mixture by combining 100 kg of composted cow dung with 1 liter of G-Bio Phosphate. Then, prepare the field by adding 10 kg of G-Sea Power with DAP as per requirement, and 4-8 kg of G-Vam.

3. Plant nutrition: Irrigation should be done when the plants are 30-35 days old. As per requirement, mix urea + 10 kg G-Sea power + 200 mg Bio humic + 200 mg G-Sea liquid and apply fertilizer per acre. The remaining quantity should be given at 65-70 days and 20 days after the first harvest.

4. For plant growth: Mix minimum 10 ml and maximum 15 ml G-Amino + 15 ml G-Sea Liquid in 15 liters of water and spray. In this way peppermint can be cultivated through Galway Krisham.

Note 1: If there is an excessive growth of weeds, regular manual weeding is the easiest and most effective method for weed control. Chemical weed control can also be considered for managing weed infestation.

Note 2: Mint cultivation involves sowing or planting mint using mint root cuttings.

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