Corona United Everybody Like Network Marketing Does

Corona United Everybody Like Network Marketing Does

October 11, 2021 05:37 Created by Admin, Last modified on November 01, 2021 01:17

The year 2020 was a mess and literally a curse on Mankind.The pandemic that prevailed last year has taken so much from us in many ways.Even now, till the mid 2021 with the second wave and even worse version of corona people lost their loved ones like anything.So many cases occurred, deaths happened.Long queues were everywhere whether in Government Hospitals or Private , Chemists Shops, Vaccination centers, even in Cremation Grounds people were waiting for hours to burn their loved ones dead body .Once in a media channel, they were showing that the people of Hospital were putting the dead bodies of around 15 people at a time in the Ambulance like backpacks because neither their family members had come nor any relative.

 But ! In my opinion, through this time one good thing that happened was union of all the Indians.Pure Humanity and the power of Unity was reflecting everywhere.Recently a ‘Big-Scandal’ was shown how people have changed their religion from Hindu to Muslim.But if we see from Different perspective in Both ‘First Wave’ and ‘Second Wave’ people came together helping each other without thinking about petty things such as religion-differences, caste differences or class -Gaps.For instance ,If a people needs oxygen cylinder or any kind of medical help , he didn’t ask about others religion or class.Which is why and how we all together fought with these two .

 Likewise , “Network Marketing also unites people”.It gives us a wide and new career stream.A very fresh line that will be most preferred in the coming time.The future scope of network marketing is such that people are looking up towards it for their Growth from all directions, whether personal or professional or economical.It is encouraging people by giving them different challenges altogether.

 It is the best business Model that has been introduced.It depends on people to people sales ,which ultimately benefits both the parties.

 Benefits of Network Marketing to both parties individually





Can gain Better profits

Get products with cheaper rates.


Don’t have to share margin with anyone.

Don’t have to pay extra margins.


Can get feedback directly from the customer about the product

Can Complain or any suggestions directly


Will achieve the feeling of a Businessman.

Can build a trustable bond.


Will grow personally and professionally

Are getting products from a reliable source.


Have little risk in the business.



Generally if you see from a wide perspective, Network Marketing gives various benefits to the Indian culture and our society as well.It is not a conventional way of business.It demands new business ideas from the people who work in this scenario.The various benefits are :-

 1.Promotes MLM Business in the society.

2.Opens a better and new career option.

3.It contains lesser risks which means lesser losses.

4.Huge Income Potential In This Industry.

5.Reduces employee’s expenses to run the business.

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