Significant Contribution of Galwians in Blood Donation Campaign
Created on 2024-02-19 10:25:28 Posted By : Rajesh Kumar Yadav

Galway not only transforms people's lifestyles but also actively participates in social service. On the occasion of Swami Vivekananda's Jayanti, following the path he followed, 'Service to humanity is true service,' Galway franchise Honesty Enterprises in Rayagada, Odisha, organized a blood donation camp. In this camp, Team Gawians donated 130 units of blood, filled with the spirit of humanitarian service.

On this occasion, the chief guest, District DSP of the Police Department, Mr. S.J. Patra, Senior Criminal Advocate Mr. Padmanabha & Journalist Mr. Pariksha from Sanwad News were present. They praised Galway's steps towards social service.