Rohit Sharma

Rohit Sharma

A winner who challenged all the difficulties in life

Someone has rightly said that “if I keep walking on the path, then I will become an expert in walking, either I will get the destination or I will become a good traveler.” Often, when we start a new journey, new experiment or new business, there are many complications in our heart. There are many types of questions, but the person who keeps his faith aside from these, he definitely achieves success.

A luxurious house, a gleaming car parked in front and sitting in all decked up suit, people can easily guess what status does Rohit Sharma hold. But no one can guess that Rohit Sharma used to be a simple person a few years ago. Then something happened that the whole picture changed. To know how this picture changed, I Rohit Sharma, will tell you my story. I am from Patna, Bihar. I have only studied till 10th standard. After leaving studies, I had to do something for living, so I started working in a construction company. I often saw people sitting in luxurious vehicles. While walking in front of the hotels, I used to see the beautiful life of these people. I could not understand why all these things are lacking in my life.

This is how things changed
My life was running on a different pattern and would continue to move but with time a wave of change came and everything transformed. I have a cousin Mr. Ramesh Kumar Singh who is a President in Galway Business. One fine day I got a call from him and after that, he said “in my view there is a business that will remove your financial crisis forever and dreams will also be fulfilled.” I believe that when time comes to bring changes in life, destiny makes it happen.

In such a situation, I looked upon my brother's phone as an opportunity to change the time and agreed to see the business presentation of Galway with my brother.

Doubt in mind

After listening to the success stories of successful people, I believed that I have my identity but there are many people who can’t even afford two times meal a day. Today they are supporting others. They became an inspiration to millions of people and set an example. If they can do it then why can't I do it. I will definitely do it and I will show it by myself.

To be honest, I was very excited after seeing all this. I started feeling that now I will earn huge amount in a few days. This was even possible because many people in the Galway business have made good money in a very short period of time. But I could not see the hard work and training behind them. Although my senior had explained to me about training. I did not take the training, disregarding the advice of my senior and started calling people to watch the business presentation as per their choice.

On my call, some people came to see the business presentation of Galway but when they started asking me questions about the business, I could not tell anything because I did not take training nor used the products myself. So I failed in business but when my upline heard this, they explained to me and motivated to take training. After all these incidents, I learnt a lesson and also the challenge, which I accepted and started improving myself. I got success for the first time. Now people were listening to me and I was giving answers to their questions very easily. Gradually my downline started to form.

There was a time in my life when my family was trying their best to get me out of business. Now, my whole family is completely supporting me in this business. Some days back I could barely earn Rs. 200 a day and today I am earning in lakhs every month. I am still the same Rohit Sharma and this world is also the same. Just the view of the world has changed which Glaze has given me. Due to which today I am counted among the affluent people of my area. This is all what I wanted from this business.